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Showing posts from September, 2016

Smart Kids Club - Session 4

To see the report about 4th session of our club , click here  Report Session 4 First Activity I demonstrated two actions of drinking water in front of members and asked them to observe . one actions was hurriedly  drinking water while standing in one sip ..... and other was according to Sunnah of prophet (peace be upon him). After performing these two acts I asked them which scene would you think will quench my thirst , in which I was comfortable , relaxed and seemed satisfied. And then the discussion led us to learn the Sunnah of drinking water. I think to engage children in a meaningful discussion , allow them to realize , analyze and conclude the results are more helpful in accepting and adopting any good deed rather than to impose it on them. ِ I hope that this instructive methodology will remain in their minds in sha Allah. Second Activity Encouraging Child's creativity is one of the main aim of my club , I gave them all scrap material and they were supposed t