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Showing posts from April, 2019

Learning Business with Fun

After a very long time I m now posting on my Blog. Recently we (i myself and my kids) have got an opportunity to participate in a Kid's event held in our compound, which was actually an exhibition for children to show their skills or talent and have stall to sell their creative work. My 9 years old son Saadi loves of ORIGAMI, so we decided to have a stall where we can display his outstanding origami work. It was a wonderful experience for us to explore and learn. So I decided to share this activity and it's educational aspects and how we went through whole week in the preparations for exhibition. 1. Family Bonding: This event help us to refresh our Bonding with each other through discussions, sharing of ideas, by making a working strategy like      a - Who will be the investor of our Business and This is no one but BABA of course :)      b- Who among us will be a working partner and that is MAMA & SAADI (my second son  9 year            old)      c- and a serv