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Glimpses Of Iqbal Course میرا اقبال

  Power Point Presentation  Badges for Iqbal's Shaheen Manuals for Participants
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Community Girls' Cirlce

Day 1 session summary: 10-May-2004: We started Today’s session by an activity i.e “introduce yourself “. Then we discussed the objective of this حلقہ and tools of learning, and then a discussion took place about “the world around us and the world inside me” with different examples, then participants’ reflection lead to the understanding about power and the authority of رب العالمین , His blessings on Us in which the upmost blessing is “Iman”. Reflection by Participant: Assalam O Alaikum The class was very beneficial. Baji teaches in a way that children of all ages can understand the topic. She has many activities for the youngsters and teens. The activities and small homeworks help in implementing what was learned and recalling all the teachings. I loved how she gave notebooks to everyone so that they can write the notes 🫶 Furthermore, the most important part of the lesson was the importance of 'Iman' and the blessing of having it. Many people do not realize that this grea

حُسن ہو تو ايسا

ہائے   ربا   کتنی   حسين   آنکھيں   ہيں  !!!! سچ   ہے   ایسا   ملکوتی   حسن   اللہ   کسی   کسی   کو   ہی   دیتا   ہے   ہے   یہ   کجرارے   نينا   اس   پر   سیاہ   گھنيری   پلکيں   بڑی   بڑی   بادامی   آنکھوں   پر سایہ   فگن   رہتی   ہیں۔۔۔۔ مجھے   ياد   ہے   بڑے   بھيا   کی   شادی   ميں   کتنے   ہی   جتن   کر   ڈالے   تھے     لاٸنر   ،   کاجل   ،   مسکارا   ہر   حربہ   آذما   ڈالا   مگر   پھر   بھی   ہماری   آنکھيں فقط   پھٹے   ديدے   ہی   بن   سکيں   جو   مذاق   بنا   بس   نہ   پوچھيں   ۔۔۔۔ گلی   میں   اپنے   چار   باڈی   گارڈز   کے   ساتھ   داخل   ہوتی   ہے   گویا   کوئی   شہزادی   اپنے   خادموں   کے   بیچ   ایک   ادائے   بے   نیازی   سے   چلی   جارہی ہے   ہر   کوئی   اس   کو   دیکھنے   کے   لیے     مچل   رہا   ہے   ،   کوئی   سيلفی   لينے   کو   بيتاب   ہے   تو   کوئی   اس   کے   ساتھ   اپنی     ٹک   ٹاک   ویڈیو   وائرل   کرنے کے   خواب   بن   رہا   ہے   مگر   وہ  .... حسن   کے   ساتھ   ساتھ   مزاج   بھی   شاہانہ !  مجال   ہے   جو   کسی   پر   التفات   کرے۔ کس   شان   سے   سج   دھج

بلا عنوان

موبائل   کی   بيل   کا   بجنا   تھا   کہ   تيزی   سے   حرکت   کرتے   ہوئے   ميرے   ہاتھ   گويا   ساکت   ہو   گئے   ۔۔۔ہونٹوں   پہ   مسکان   سج   گئ۔۔۔۔   اور   دل   ميں رنگ   ٹون   کے   ساتھ     ساتھ   گھنٹياں   بجنے   لگيں   🔔🔔🔔 ۔ ميں   نے   لپک   کر   فون   اٹھايا   اور   بلا   توقف   کال   ريسيو   کی   ۔۔۔۔۔   انتظار   کی   گھڑياں   ختم   ہوئيں   ۔۔۔   قدرے   بےچينی   سے   ہيلو   بولا   اورپھر۔۔۔۔۔۔ تم   نے   تو   وعدہ   کيا   تھاناں !!! کچھ   تو   ميرا   خيال   کرو۔۔۔۔۔   کسطرح   ميں   نے   يہ   دن   کاٹے   ہيں   ميں   ہی   جانتی   ہوں۔۔۔۔۔ايک   تم   ہی   تو   ہو   جسکی   موجودگی   سے   مجھے   اپنے شانوں   کا   بوجھ   کچھ   ہلکا   محسوس   ہوتا   ہے۔۔۔۔۔ بس   ميں   کچھ   نہيں   جانتی   مجھ   سے   اب   مزيد   انتظار   نہيں   ہوتا۔۔۔۔۔ گہری   خاموشی   چھاگئی   ۔۔۔۔۔   اور   رابطہ   منقطع   ہوگيا۔۔۔   ۔   بھلا   کوئی   اسطرح   بھی   کرتا   ہے !!!! ايک   طويل   سانس   لے   کر     بوجھل   دل   اور   ڈبڈبائی   آنکھوں   کے   ساتھ   ميں   نے   دوبارہ   جھا

Learning Business with Fun

After a very long time I m now posting on my Blog. Recently we (i myself and my kids) have got an opportunity to participate in a Kid's event held in our compound, which was actually an exhibition for children to show their skills or talent and have stall to sell their creative work. My 9 years old son Saadi loves of ORIGAMI, so we decided to have a stall where we can display his outstanding origami work. It was a wonderful experience for us to explore and learn. So I decided to share this activity and it's educational aspects and how we went through whole week in the preparations for exhibition. 1. Family Bonding: This event help us to refresh our Bonding with each other through discussions, sharing of ideas, by making a working strategy like      a - Who will be the investor of our Business and This is no one but BABA of course :)      b- Who among us will be a working partner and that is MAMA & SAADI (my second son  9 year            old)      c- and a serv

Smart Kids Club - Session 5

To see the report about 4th session of our club , click here  Report Session 5 Word Lengthen Game: Children played  this game first time , they made their own phrases and enjoy it , they were not only interested in making phrases from  given words but also suggesting more words :) and that was the real learning . Sudoku Puzzle:   Very few of them knew about Sudoku Puzzle, It was a bit hard for them, but none of them gave up , they took that puzzle as their home task to solve it . Even the young members were trying hard to place the numbers in suitable box . It was such a challenging task for them!!!     Science Experiment - The Magic of Air: I just wrote  the question on the board , " You can't see it , but you can't live without it! What is it ? " they discussed with each other and answered "AIR" :) Every one was so curious about experiment, they were observing and predicting what can be happen when I will take away my hand from the card. F

Smart Kids Club - Session 4

To see the report about 4th session of our club , click here  Report Session 4 First Activity I demonstrated two actions of drinking water in front of members and asked them to observe . one actions was hurriedly  drinking water while standing in one sip ..... and other was according to Sunnah of prophet (peace be upon him). After performing these two acts I asked them which scene would you think will quench my thirst , in which I was comfortable , relaxed and seemed satisfied. And then the discussion led us to learn the Sunnah of drinking water. I think to engage children in a meaningful discussion , allow them to realize , analyze and conclude the results are more helpful in accepting and adopting any good deed rather than to impose it on them. ِ I hope that this instructive methodology will remain in their minds in sha Allah. Second Activity Encouraging Child's creativity is one of the main aim of my club , I gave them all scrap material and they were supposed t