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club for kids - smartkidsclubriyadh

I initiated a club for kids at my place in Riyadh, my eldest son manage its blog i.e 

I will try to post my reflections on every session that is being conducted in the club, i hope my observations and strategy will help others , here is the small introduction of the club

Smart kids Club is designed to keep children engaged in meaningful and enjoyable activities that will help them to enhance their innate talent and creative skills.
We are not charging any Fee with our members, the purpose of initiating this  club is to create a social circle for kids that helps them to explore their potentials, and learn something new in a friendly environment.The session will be conducted once a week.
A WhatsApp group is created to update Mums and members for announcements and upcoming events.

Key Areas:

Book Sharing
Story Telling
Creative Expressions
(writings, discussions, arts n crafts, dramas)
Reflective Writing
Science Experiments
Social Sciences
Mental Maths


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