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Smart Kids Club - Day 1

To see the report about Session 1 at Smart Kids Club , click here Report of Session 1

we started with the

 activity 1 :  to describe myself with the letters in my name 

It was all new for children they enjoyed and think a lot to make a suitable word for their personality, they've come up with their favorite cartoon characters, favorite fruits etc, two kids write interesting words  for letter M, that  were Money and Mother(i love my mother  ).

activity 2 (a) : Balloon should not fall  

All the students were asked to blow up their balloon and throw it in the Air and try to keep it in the air as long as possible , if the balloon touch the ground that child will be out from the game.

activity 2 (b) : keep all the balloons in the air , help your friend 

that was the second round of falling balloon activity , all the students were asked to try their balloons to be in the air as well as help their friends to hit the balloon so that it should not fall in the ground.

this activity continued for a long time as compare to first one , as all of them were hitting everyone's balloon and none of them was out till I announce to finish it.

then we all discuss about it , which part u like most? most of them said we enjoyed the first activity because we only had to focus on our balloon BUT we were OUT of the game quickly , while in the second part though we did not enjoyed much but no one was getting OUT of the game. And then we discussed about the TEAM and the positive outcomes of the Team Work , and discussion lead us to the team of MUSLIMS , which is one  Muslim Ummah, As the members of our group are coming from different countries , but the concept of one Muslim Ummah helps a lot to work like a team.
and the Hadith المسلم اخو المسللم was introduced .

activity 3 : Science Experiment - make an electric balloon

for this they are asked to rub their balloons with a towel and try to pull the small pieces of tissues, many questions arises by club members at this time like:

1; what if we rub our hands , will our hands have charge to pull other things?
2: will the charged balloon be able to pull my feet?
3: Can  this balloon use to turn on the bulb?

different observations were made by students like:

1: balloon can pull my hairs up.
2: It is stuck on my shirt

and then they were asked to rub the wet metallic spoon all over the balloon to make it neutral , and then try to pull the tissue pieces again .

home task:

All the members are asked to write their reflections after every session  , they must answer the following questions:

1: what happened in the club
2: what I did
3: which activity I like most and why
4: which I don't like and why

conclusion :

So it was all about the first session in my club, we play , we discussed , we experience and we observe together , no doubt Every child has a Spark in him , waiting for us to Lighten it up.
I enjoyed it too , and now waiting for the second session


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