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Showing posts from 2016

Smart Kids Club - Session 5

To see the report about 4th session of our club , click here  Report Session 5 Word Lengthen Game: Children played  this game first time , they made their own phrases and enjoy it , they were not only interested in making phrases from  given words but also suggesting more words :) and that was the real learning . Sudoku Puzzle:   Very few of them knew about Sudoku Puzzle, It was a bit hard for them, but none of them gave up , they took that puzzle as their home task to solve it . Even the young members were trying hard to place the numbers in suitable box . It was such a challenging task for them!!!     Science Experiment - The Magic of Air: I just wrote  the question on the board , " You can't see it , but you can't live without it! What is it ? " they discussed with each other and answered "AIR" :) Every one was so curious about experiment, they were observing and predicting what can be happen when I will take away my hand from th...

Smart Kids Club - Session 4

To see the report about 4th session of our club , click here  Report Session 4 First Activity I demonstrated two actions of drinking water in front of members and asked them to observe . one actions was hurriedly  drinking water while standing in one sip ..... and other was according to Sunnah of prophet (peace be upon him). After performing these two acts I asked them which scene would you think will quench my thirst , in which I was comfortable , relaxed and seemed satisfied. And then the discussion led us to learn the Sunnah of drinking water. I think to engage children in a meaningful discussion , allow them to realize , analyze and conclude the results are more helpful in accepting and adopting any good deed rather than to impose it on them. ِ I hope that this instructive methodology will remain in their minds in sha Allah. Second Activity Encouraging Child's creativity is one of the main aim of my club , I gave them all scrap material and they were suppo...

Smart Kids Club - Day 3

To see the report about 3rd session of our club , click here  activities of session 3 Book reviews  WOW!!! Kids have first time review any book and write it in a particular format , they enjoyed and I enjoyed too , while reading their views and recommendations :) , they ask others to read their books ,  some of them ask more review pattern's sheet and issue books from our library corner - that's a big achievement for me - Alhamdulillah Activity 1 - making words from a big lengthy word It was the activity that most of the members have known already , As there are mixed age  group in my club so every one came up with words according to their age . I encourage every one , those who write  ON / AT / IN  and also who made 4 or 5 letter word . My comments and  appreciation help  young ones to make some lengthy words too. All of them  were asked to make some more words from two more given words at their homes. Activity 2 - Think Box / Act...

Smart Kids Club - Day 2

to see the Report of Session 2 at Smart Kids Club click here  report on session 2 Alhamdulillah session 1 went very successful , mothers ,member kids , and the team Smart Kids Club all were very happy , every kid enjoyed very much and wish to come on every Saturday. so here is the second session's observations. activity 1 : Book Sharing Activity As I post about this activity earlier in my blog,  book sharing activity  here it goes again , every child was asked to bring his/her favorite book from home , and they are supposed to share their books with each other, we discussed about authors, ISBN no, characters  , story etc A book Review worksheets were distributed among students , to fill it at home, They were allowed to take any reading book from our books corner . what I noticed - that every child feels very excited when he is allowed to share his books, the love of his book showed by every single word he spoke , and we need to keep them interacted with t...

Smart Kids Club - Day 1

To see the report about Session 1 at Smart Kids Club , click here  Report of Session 1 we started with the  activity 1 :  to describe myself with the letters in my name  It was all new for children they enjoyed and think a lot to make a suitable word for their personality, they've come up with their favorite cartoon characters, favorite fruits etc, two kids write interesting words  for letter M, that  were Money and Mother(i love my mother  ). activity 2 (a) : Balloon should not fall   All the students were asked to blow up their balloon and throw it in the Air and try to keep it in the air as long as possible , if the balloon touch the ground that child will be out from the game. activity 2 (b) : keep all the balloons in the air , help your friend  that was the second round of falling balloon activity , all the students were asked to try their balloons to be in the air as well as help their friends to hit the balloon so t...

club for kids - smartkidsclubriyadh

I initiated a club for kids at my place in Riyadh, my eldest son manage its blog i.e  ,  I will try to post my reflections on every session that is being conducted in the club, i hope my observations and strategy will help others , here is the small introduction of the club Smart kids Club  is designed to keep children engaged in meaningful and enjoyable activities that will help them to enhance their innate talent and creative skills. We are not charging any Fee with our members, the purpose of initiating this  club is to create a social circle for kids that helps them to explore their potentials, and learn something new in a friendly environment.The session will be conducted once a week. A WhatsApp group is created to update Mums and members for announcements and upcoming events. Key Areas : Book Sharing Story Telling Creative Expressions (writings, discussions, arts n crafts, dramas) Reflective Writing Science...

Reflection on the activity of Creating a Table

These days I am attending the classes of Maths Strands , that mainly focus on the philosophy and the conceptual learning of maths that can integrate with the real life.’ In the discussion about the activities our mentor asked us about to engage a child in the CREATION OF TABLE instead of forcing him to LEARN THE TABLE. Majority of mothers like me ….. :) focusing on the rote learning of tables and ask their children forcefully to memorize all the tables , well to learn the tables help us a lot but to learn or make children learn without knowing the logic or the pattern of the table is quite useless. Few months before I have placed table charts in my room and asked my 6 year old, to learn the tables one by one , as the tables had not been introduced in his class so being an efficient mother ( ironically saying :) ) I was in the way to make my child able to know and memorize all the tables before the time that it may come in his syllabus . Now I changed my strategy and keep ...

Important Topics - Surah An-Nisa - The Women

سورۃالنّسآء مکی / مدنی : مدنی سورت تعداد آیات    :   ۱۷۶ تعداد رکوع  : ۲۴ سورت نمبر : ۴ پارہ نمبر     : ۴-۶ معانی         : عورت اہم مضامین  : ۱: یتیموں کے حقوق کی نگہداشت ۲: عورتوں کے حقوق ، ان سے حسنِ سلوک اور میراث کے قوانین ۳: معاشرےاور خاندان کی تباہی سے روکنے کے لیے اہم اخلاقی حدود کا بیان ۴: اُن محرمات کی تفصیل جن سے نکاح حرام ہے ۵: ترکِ سُکر(شراب کو حرام قرار دینا) اور تیمم کا بیان ۶: یہود کی بدنیتی(سمعنا وعصینا – ہم نے سن لیا اور نہیں مانا) ، توریت میں تحریف ۷: ایک یہودی اور منافق کا معاملہ – حضرت عمر فاروق رضہ کو بارگاہِ رسالت سے "فاروق" کا لقب ملنا – نبی کے فیصلے کو دل سے قبول کرنا ۸: جہاد کے احکام ۹: ہجرت سے متعلق ۳ گروہوں کا بیان ۱۰: قصر نماز اور صلوٰۃ خوف کا بیان ۱۱: مسلمان کا دوسرے مسلمان کے گھر نقب لگانے کا واقعہ – مسلمانوں کو کسی کی بے جا حمایت اور اپنے الزام کو دوسرے کے سر تھوپنے سے منع فرمایا ۱۲: اللہ کا خاص فضل انبیاء علیہ اسلام ک...

Important Topics - Surah Aal-e-Imran - The Family of Imran

سورۃ اٰلِ عمران مکی / مدنی : مدنی سورۃ تعداد آیات   : ۲۰۰ تعداد رکوع : ۲۰ سورۃ نمبر :  ۳ پارہ نمبر    :  ۳-۴ معانی        : عمران کی اولاد اہم مضامین : ۱: نجران کے ۶۰ عیسا ئی پادریو ں کے وفد کا بیان جو حضور صل اللہ علیہ وسلم کے پاس آیا    ۲: حضرت عمران کی اہلیہ کی منّت کا ذکر اور حضرت مریم علیہ اسلام کی پیدائش ۳: حضرت زکریا علیہ اسلام (بی بی مریم علیہ اسلام کے خالو) کو حضرت یحییٰ علیہ اسلام کی پیدائش کی خوشخبری ۴:عیسیٰ علیہ اسلام کی معجزاتی ولادت ۵: یہود کا عیسیٰ علیہ اسلام کے درپے ہونا ۶: تخلیقِ ارواح کے وقت میثاق ۷: اپنے محبوب مال کو اللہ کی راہ میں خرچ کرنے کی تلقین ۸: اہلِ ایمان کو متفرق نہ ہونے اور امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کی تلقین ۹: واقعاتِ بدر اور اُحد سے شکر اور صبر کا درس ۱۰: حُبّ مال اور سود کی ممانعت ۱۱: تین طرح کے عذاب کا بیان : عذابِ عظیم ( شریعت کے مقابلے میں کفر کرنےکی صورت میں) عذابِ الیم ( ایمان کے بدلے کفر کرنےکی صورت میں) عذابِ مہین ...

Important Topics - Surat Al-Baqarah - The Cow

سورۃالبقرۃ مکی / مدنی:  مدنی سورہ تعداد آیات   :   ۲۸۶ تعداد رکوع : ۴۰ سورۃ نمبر : ۲ پارہ نمبر    :  ۱ -۳ معانی  : گاۓ اہم مضامین : ۱: تین قسم کے لوگوں کا بیان – مومن ، کافر ، منافق ۲: تخلیقِ کائنات - تخلیقِ آدم – فضیلتِ آدم ۳:  بنی اسرائیل سے خطاب اور انکی غلطیوں کی نشاندہی ۴: یہودیوں پراللہ کے احسانات اور انکی ناشکری بنی اسرائیل پر من و سلویٰ کا اترنا ، بادلوں کا سایہ فگن ہونا ، ۲ قبیلوں کے لیٔے ۱۲ چشموں کا جاری ہونا ، بچھڑے کو زبح کرنے کا حکم ۵: یہودیوں کا جھوٹی تحریروں کو اللہ سے منسوب کرنا ۶: جادوکا بیان: یہود سلیمان علیہ السلام پر جادوگری کی تہمت لگاتے جادو کو بطور آزمائش ۲ فرشتوں (ہاروت اور ماروت) کے ذریعے اتارا گیا ۷: واقعہ خلیل اللہ اور تعمیرِ بیت اللہ ۸: یعقوب  علیہ السلام کے آخری وقت کا ذکر ۹: تحویلِ قبلہ کا حکم ۱۰: نماز کی فضیلت ۱۱: قصاص ، روزہ اور وصیت کے بارے میں احکام ۱۲: حج اور جہاد کا بیان ۱۳: سابقہ امتوں کا ذکر ۱۴: طہارت و پاکیزگی اور طلاق کا بیان ...

Important Topics - Surah Al-Fatiha - The Opener

سورۃالفاتحہ مکی / مدنی:  مکی سورہ تعداد آیات   :   ۷ تعداد رکوع : ۱ سورۃ نمبر : ۱ پارہ نمبر    :  ۱ معانی  : ابتداء اہم مضامین : ۱: حمدِ ربّی ۲: مختصر اور جامع دعا - سورہ فاتحہ نزول کے اعتبار سے وہ واحد سورہ ہے جو سب سے پہلے مکمل نازل ہوئی - اس سورہ کو اُمّ القرآن ، اُمّ الکتاب اور قرآنِ عظیم بھی کہا جاتا ہے - سورہ فاتحہ عقیدۂ توحید، عقیدۂ رسالت اور عقیدۂ آخرت پر دلالت کرتی ہے - یہ سورہ اللہ کی حمد بیان کرنے اور اس سے دعا کرنے کا طریقہ سکھاتی ہے -

Snapshots of Book Reviews

Here are some samples of Book Reviews written by kids of 4 to 9 years, as a result of Book Sharing Activity :) , related to the last post "کتاب دوستی" 1: Age : 4 Years 2: Age : 8 years 3: Age : 8 years 4: Age : 6 years 5: Age : 6 years